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Gum graft


Bruxism, more commonly known as teeth grinding, can create wear and tear, strain on the joint and facial muscles, migraines, and even limit opening. To limit these problems, it is possible to fabricate a custom bite plate that is worn overnight. It serves to absorb these forces applied during sleep and prevent the progression and deterioration of structures affected by bruxism.

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Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease. However, if left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis. Periodontitis occurs when biofilm (plaque) accumulates too long on the edges of the gums and turns into tartar. These bacteria grow under the gums and produce toxins that destroy the bone around the teeth. Periodontal pockets are then created and tartar continues to form inside them. It is therefore recommended to come and clean these pockets in depth to prevent periodontitis from progressing and teeth becoming mobile. It is necessary for patients who have received this treatment to maintain excellent dental hygiene and to perform cleanings regularly to ensure healing.

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Gingival graft

The attached gingiva protects the tooth from gingival loosening. When its height / amount is missing or thin, the risk of loosening is high and it is possible for the root of a tooth to become exposed. There are several causes related to loosening including gum disease, bad position of the teeth, bruxism (grinding), brushing too vigorously, etc. Gum grafting is recommended, among other things, to prevent tooth root exposure, sensitivity, tooth mobility / loss, root caries, etc. We take a small sample from the palate and then place it on the deficit site.

Greffe gingivale
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